Dr Big Page 9
“How about them?” she asks and I pull a face.
“Not my type,” I tell her, even though they are both surprisingly attractive for a dive like this.
Mr. A is big. Not as big as Kane Big, but big enough to be rippling under his shirt. He has short cropped hair and a shadow of stubble on his jaw, and clearly figures himself as quite a dancer. He’s not that bad.
He’s not that good either, though.
Mr. B is all eyes on Riley. He’s a wiry type, chestnut hair that keeps falling down over his forehead and moves that are… enthusiastic to say the least.
I think he’s onto something. She can’t take her eyes off him, which leaves me firmly on the radar of Mr. A as he sidles up to me.
I keep dancing, pretending to be oblivious, but it’s hard when a big hulk of muscle is determined to press himself to your rear.
I should bail on this, as I usually do. Cut and run and claim I’ve got things to be doing, just as I usually do. But then I wouldn’t be cured, would I?
This brand new me should at least be able to dance with a guy before freaking out.
So I smile. Give the guy a bit of a shimmy and try not to balk as he wraps a muscled arm around my waist.
His voice is low in my ear. “What’s your name, gorgeous?”
“Melissa,” I tell him and he nods.
“Jake,” he tells me and I nod back.
And then I head to the restrooms, wrenching Riley out of a lip lock with Mr. B on the way.
“Party pooper!” she groans as I march her into a stall. “What’s the panic? Don’t tell me you’re having another moment of temporary insanity? I thought you were cured?”
“I am cured,” I insist.
“So what are we doing in here? Why aren’t you out there getting your groove on with the hottie?”
He’s hardly all that, but I don’t think now’s the time to point that out to her.
“I just… I thought we could have a girly moment, you know? Talk guys…”
She rolls her eyes. “I was about to get hot and heavy with Ricardo in there.”
Ricardo. I fight the urge to laugh out loud. The guy hardly looks like a Ricardo to me.
She folds her arms. “So, we’re talking guys. What’s the deal? You going home with Mr. Muscle?”
The very thought gives me shivers, and not the kind Kane gave me. Still, I should totally be game for this, a round of practice now that I’m able to indulge. “Maybe,” I tell her and she laughs.
“What?” I demand. “What’s so funny? Maybe I will go home with Jake.”
“Jake?” she raises an eyebrow. “And is Jake going to be enough for you after Dr. Kane’s humongous dick?”
I shrug. “Maybe I’ll find out.”
“Or maybe you should just admit the obvious and stop lying to yourself.”
I feel a pang of hurt under the warm bloom of alcohol. “Lying to myself about what?”
“Lying to yourself about the fact that you’re crazy about him! Lying to yourself about the possibility that the guy’s probably crazy about you too!”
I practically snort-laugh. “Dr. Big? Crazy about me? Have you even seen the guy? He’s probably got a queue of women trailing three blocks behind him.” I sigh. “He was my doctor, I was his patient, and I’m cured now. He probably hasn’t given me a second thought.”
“If that’s what you think.” Riley doesn’t sound convinced.
I paste on my most resolute smile. “That’s what I know. I’m sure of it.”
She rolls her eyes again as she unbolts the stall. “Well, for what it’s worth, I think that’s class-A crap you’re talking. You went home with the guy before you ever knew he was your doctor. You weren’t his patient when he dragged you from the dance floor that evening, and I doubt he’s really been thinking of you as his patient ever since.”
Oh, how I wish. But I can’t tell her that.
I don’t want to go straight from virgin to heartbroken. That wouldn’t be a good look.
“Fine,” she continues. “If you won’t admit it, that’s cool. Go home with Jake this evening and see how he measures up. Maybe you really aren’t hung up over Dr. Big. Maybe Jake will press all the right buttons.”
One look at Jake on the dance floor as we head back tells me all I need to know. He won’t measure up, not to Kane, not in any way worth having.
Still, I really should give this a go, I’m sure Kane’s long since moved on.
He’s probably out there right now, in another part of town, liplocked with some pretty woman who doesn’t have issues with her lady parts. He’s probably had several wild nights already this week. His bed probably hasn’t been empty since I walked out on him.
It’s that horrible thought that strengthens my resolve to test out this cure for size.
I hit the dance floor with Jake close behind and I don’t pull away as he presses his body to mine. I don’t flinch as I feel the swell of his dick pressed to my ass, and I don’t twirl away from him as his warm breath lands on my neck.
“You look amazing,” he tells me. I give him an awkward thanks and my smile feels like a grimace as he kisses my bare shoulder.
His mouth feels like a hot wet fish, and I hate it. It feels nothing like Kane’s perfect lips. Not even slightly.
My cure disappears to nothing. My entire body feels clammed up tight as Jake spins me into his arms and heads in for the kill.
My heart is thumping in panic as his puckered lips come for mine, and old Melissa is back, breaking from his grip and dashing away across the dance floor with little more than a ‘I have things to do’ call in my wake.
Riley pounds after me and catches me at the exit. She’s breathless from the chase and it takes me a moment to realize she’s laughing.
“Call him!” she yells. “Seriously, just call him!”
I tell her I’ll call a cab and that’s about all, but when she waves me off with a tut I know she’s got a point.
There’s a thrill in my belly as I realize Jake’s given me just the opportunity I was looking for.
I’m not cured.
Not even close.
In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ll never be cured. There’s only likely to be one dick that’s ever cured me enough to grant entry, and it’s attached to a man who may never want to see me again.
But he’ll have to. Of course.
Because he’s the doctor and I’m his patient. And we’re definitely not done here.
No way.
I’m delusional and giddy as I slip into the cab and head home for the night, but I don’t care.
I’m going to call Dr. Big first thing on Monday morning and schedule another appointment.
I’ve learned things about myself that I didn’t want to learn. Like that working out and clubbing don’t fix all the problems in the world, or that I am, in fact, not invincible. This was information I didn’t need to know and frankly I object to having come to know it.
Of course, it doesn’t ultimately change anything. Among other things, I’ve also learned that when you feel like shit, the world doesn’t stop to suit your mood, it just keeps going and so do I. I go the gym. I show up at work. I treat my patients as well as I ever have, but there’s something missing in it all. Like someone’s disconnected me from the main power line and I’m just running on empty, hoping that the auxiliary generator holds out until I return to normal.
This kind of shit doesn’t happen to Kane Big. Never. Ever.
I run a hand over my face as I get out of my chair, greeting another Monday morning with a groan and a sigh. I’ve been going into the office early because I’ve been having trouble sleeping and instead of having a patient waiting for me, I’d have to wait for them. On this particular occasion, I haven’t even opened up the file to check – Ginny told me it was a repeat patient and I know all of them by heart.
I fumble the file open as I step out to the waiting room, a frown furrowing on my brow as I rea
d out the name.
“M&M Malone?” I say, my brain skipping for a moment. “I mean M M Malone. I mean…”
And that’s when my brain catches up to my big mouth. I shut up and look up, finding Melissa standing up from her seat and then walking past me into my office like it’s the most normal thing. She gives me a small smile and maybe she’s a little nervous, but definitely nothing compared to the way my heart is trying to slam out of my chest.
I might be a little nauseous. Shit.
“Hold my calls,” I tell Ginny, who looks at me curiously but nods without comment.
I take a second to get my bearings and then head back in my office, half-expecting Melissa to be gone and all of it to be a weird, fucked up dream. But nope, there she is in all her HD glory, seated comfortably in the chair she always chooses. I let the door fall shut and on instinct, I lock it. If for no other reason than to keep myself from storming out in a bundle of nerves.
“Melissa, I didn’t know you’d booked an appointment,” I tell her earnestly, moving to sit behind my desk but choosing to lean against the front of it instead.
That way I’m closer to her. The moment her scent hits my nose, I feel my shoulders relaxing and my cock twitching to attention, the ungrateful prick. She’s actually here. Both sentient Kanes are overjoyed at this.
“Is something wrong?” I ask tentatively, my mind automatically reaching for the worst case scenario. Just, this time, I don’t know what that could be. Not having her here was already about as brutal as could be, I can’t imagine her being here, regardless of the reason, being worse than that.
“Yes,” she tells me bluntly, her green and gray eyes meeting mine for the first time.
She can still take my breath away. More now than when I met her, in fact, because now she’s not just a pretty face and an interesting story. Now she’s my… well, my everything, apparently.
I clear my throat, fanning away the fog in my brain.
“And what might that be? Overexerting yourself already? You have to be careful, Melissa, don’t want to blow out the hardware before it’s really settled.”
I want to smack myself for that. What the fuck am I saying? The last thing I want to do is to scare her away and here I am, being a defensive, hurt douchebag because a woman of her caliber engaged in mutually agreed upon coitus with me and then had the audacity to not fall all over herself for me.
I start apologizing, but there’s a twinkle of amusement in her eyes that makes me stop. I frown, cocking my head to the side as she studies me with some kind of newfound interest.
“Do I detect a note of bitterness, Dr. Big?” she asks me sweetly, wetting her lips and leaning back.
For once, I’m the one clamming up. I run a hand through my hair and then laugh, a humorless sound.
“From a big, strong man like me? Never,” I tell her, referencing back to our day on the hilltop. “But let’s talk business then, shall we? What seems to be the problem that has brought you to me today, Melissa?”
“You haven’t cured me,” she says, her voice steady. “Nothing’s changed.”
“What?” I sputter, searching my memory in an effort to ascertain whether I’ve lost the last of my marbles.
Nope, I was definitely in her. I can remember every second of that evening, every thrust, every pump, every grind and every moan. I was in Melissa Malone and she was on me, all my glorious inches fit into her, and her delicious curves, sweet pussy and dazzling self have held me captive ever since.
“Are you trying to tell me that what we did didn’t happen?” I ask, incredulous.
“No,” she answers, grinning a little. “I’m just saying that it didn’t cure me. You said you’d cured me and I’m not cured, Doctor. I take issue with that.”
I slap my hand over my mouth and stare at her for a moment. What the fuck is she even saying? My eyes automatically glance down at her lap, and when I realize what I’m doing, they snap back up to find her even more amused.
My virility can only take so many blows.
“You’re going to have to help the multiple PhD holder in the cheap seat here, Melissa,” I finally say. “What are you telling me?”
“I’m telling you,” she starts with a sigh, like she’s explaining something to a toddler as she stands up and steps up to me. “That your treatment was incomplete. I’m afraid it’s only you that can, you know, get inside.”
Her hands are on my chest now and my arms encircle her waist automatically, my body not even pausing before it reacts to her warmth, her scent. My cock throbs painfully in my pants and my mind’s a blank slate.
“Get inside?”
“Yup,” she says matter-of-factly.
She bites down on her lower lip and finally, my brain kicks into gear. Oh. OH. Okay. I pull her in a little tighter and figure it’s about time I come out with a confession of my own.
“There might have been a problem in the protocol. It appears that a mutation has occurred and I’ve gotten a variation of the disease.”
My doctor voice better not fail me now.
“Yeah?” she asks, arching her brows in a cute expression of surprise.
“Yes. Apparently, after being, you know, inside of you, I find myself unable to get inside anyone else. Or want to get inside. I’ve chosen to call it ‘one-itis’. I presume it’ll win me a couple of awards when I publish.”
“That sounds like a real problem, doc.”
“It is,” I agree, nodding gravely as she smiles wide.
“What do you suggest, then?”
“I think the only way to know for certain whether the problem was in the treatment or outside factors is to rerun the test. The sooner the better.”
Melissa looks thoughtful for a moment and my unhelpful subconscious offers the possibility that I maybe fucked up again. When her hands slip down my chest and then a fist rolls around my cock through my slacks, I know I haven’t.
“We should do it right now, then. For both our health’s sake, right?”
“Right,” I confirm, but it’s muffled by the crushing kiss we’re locked in already, tongues violently sparring.
My hands are on her ass and then traveling her body, as if checking that everything I remember is still as I left it. That no one has touched her the way I have. A beast of jealousy has risen in me but I force it down, if only for now. This is what I’ve been fighting since she left that night. This is what I’ve been wanting.
Her. Only her. All the time.
She squeals as I pluck her up and carry her to my leather chair, sitting down and letting her straddle me. Her hands immediately go to my zipper and when she undoes it and the belt and pulls me out, greedy and wasting no time, I’m hard as iron and leaking precum for her.
“Dr. Big, it’s almost as if you’ve missed me,” she whispers through giggles as I rip the front of her blouse and bury my face in her glorious tits.
“More than anything.”
She whimpers a little as my hands slide along her thighs and push up her skirt around her hips and then pull her thong aside. That pussy is just like I left it – perfect. My breath catches and I need to get another kiss from her to keep breathing as she works her palm along my cock, stroking me hard and fast and like she’s missed me as much as I’ve missed her.
We shouldn’t be doing this. We shouldn’t be fucking in my office. It’s the one rule I’ve had and now I’m breaking that too, but for Melissa, I’d do anything.
She raises her hips up and I pull her closer so when she sinks down, my cock is against her pristine cunt, grinding against her wetness. This time it’s her taking control, guiding herself down and onto me. My hands are on her hips as she begins rocking herself back and forth, her face a painting of ecstasy as she impales herself on me. I stare at her, a work of art, and can’t believe my lucky stars that she’s back, even if only for one more time.
When I’m firmly seated in her, our bodies as one as they can be, I stop her from grinding on me, though I badly want her to. The words c
ome on their own, I don’t try to stop them.
“I think I love you,” I tell her, meeting her wide eyes with mine.
I’m terrified, and I’m victorious, and I’m numb all at the same time. I’ve felt something twisting inside of me for weeks now, ever since meeting her, and now I finally know what it is. I’m no longer the most important person in the room. Now it’s her, and it can never be anyone else.
The time that she’s silent feels like an eternity. When her lips meet mine, it’s like I’ve conquered the universe.
“I might love you too,” she whispers, and we’re both gone.
Not a single word comes out of our mouths then, just moans and grunts and growls and the sounds of two people fucking the living daylights out of each other. I pump into her as she bounces down on me, falling into perfect rhythm.
When her pussy clamps down on me, milking me for cum as she rides the crest of her orgasm, I’m more than willing to give her what she needs. I fill her with my seed and I don’t fucking care that there’s no condom. I want her pregnant. I want her with a ring on her finger. I want her, in every possible way, and I know it’s for good.
She crumples on top of me and I hold her tight, my cock still pulsing inside of her.
“Do you think it’ll take this time?” she finally asks, raising her head, her hair sticking to her sweaty forehead.
I shake my head grimly.
“No, I think this is for life. The only cure is to keep administering the protocol on a daily basis, sometimes more. Can’t be too careful.”
“Doctor’s orders?”
“You know it.”
I thought I knew my calling before, but I was wrong. It wasn’t to help any pussy in need. It was to help her, so she could help me. She’s my calling now and I’ll be damned if I ever fail her in any way.
It appears that one-itis is indeed contagious. I think it’s chronic for both Kane and I, and the only way to manage the symptoms is with at least a once daily injection from a licensed professional.